root canal Sealer

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🔍   Root Canal Obturation Cement Endoseal is radiopaque, non-resorbable paste for the permanent obturation of the root canal. Its

Adseal plus

Meta ADSEAL Plus Resin-Based Sealer elevates root canal treatment to new heights with its advanced formulation and features. Experience superior performance

Granulotec PD

Original price was: ₨25500.Current price is: ₨24500.
PD™ MTA White is a mineral trioxide aggregate repair cement formulated with calcium tungstate and designed to mix quickly, smoothly,

Oxypara-HRC sealer

• Oxyparah – H is a root canal sealer that is specially designed to provide a long-lasting and effective solution


Original price was: ₨6500.Current price is: ₨4500.
Pulpodent dental material is used for: treating pulpitis of vital provisional and permanent teeth with non-formed roots; treating sharp local


Original price was: ₨13000.Current price is: ₨10000.
Kerr Sybron Sealapex Canal Sealant – Non-Eugenol Calcium Hydroxide Polymeric Root Canal Sealer. Sealapex is the original non-eugenol, calcium hydroxide


Manufacturer: Technical & General  Tgsealer is a Zinc Eugenol Root Canal Sealer. Indications:- Permanent sealing of root canals following endodontic